affordIQ is a phone app that helps first time buyers take control of their finances, have a plan for their future and ultimately buy a home. For more information about the affordIQ product design follow the link below.
Central to the afford IQ brand is the afford IQ customer journey which is reflected in the 3 pillars of the logo mark. Each pillar represents the three main stages of the customer journey, Own Your Finances, Own Your Future, Own Your Home.
The logo mark was developed using the diamond shape featured in the Opal Arrow of the parent company BlackArrow
Cyan was chosen an the primary brand colour. Sitting between blue and green on the colour wheel, cyan draws on the phycological implications of blue, (stability, loyalty, convention) and green (nature, calming and healing). These psychological associations were what we wanted our current and potential customers to make with our brand as we handled their financial data and privacy. Cyan is also bright, grabs attention and is a fluro colour, giving a retro 80's futuristic feel, often used in branding and marketing for millennials and technology. Using it in a gradient with blue further enhanced the retro feel and brought more of the psychological associations that blue brings. Warm colours, especially red were to be avoided because in finance red is associated with debt and negative balance sheets.
Designed for diversity instead of homogeneity, Ringside brings to the modern Super-family some of the charming individuality of older, unique sans serifs. Created by Hoefler&Co, founded by Jonathan Hoefler, one of the most highly regarded type designers of the current era.
Black opal was chosen as a secondary graphical element by our companies CEO and founder. The individual fragments and shards that produce the kaleidoscope of colour that reflects out from within opal, are a metaphor for the individual perspectives that come together within the affordIQ organization and give the team its' brilliance.
The metaphor can also be used to describe individual financial transactions coming together within the app and building a detailed and colourful picture of an individual, their finances and aspirations.
The messaging used within the app, on the website, social media and app stores, centered around the tagline Own It. Own It, is about empowering customers to take control and responsibility for their home owning journey while explaining how the app works. Below is a example of the Own It messaging used on the app stores and website
In order to get where you want, you need to know where you are. affordIQ uses a third party provider called TrueLayer to link all your bank accounts held across multiple institutions. Our AI friend Alfie categorises all your transactions, across all accounts, giving you a complete picture of your spending, savings and income.
Once you know where your are, you can see where you are heading. Powered by Zoopla, affordIQ allows you to search for homes you can afford today and in the future. Choose where and when you want to buy and set a budget to get there. With your future in sight, bend it in the direction you want. Set budget goals to reduce your spending and maximise your savings. Lotus will track your progress notifying you when you are overspending and are at risk of breaking your budget.
Then when the time is right, we'll refer you to a mortgage adviser. They will ask you some questions and provide you with a Mortgage in Principle confirming the maximum mortgage you can afford. You can then use your Mortgage in Principle when making offers on a home.
Once an offer is accepted, your mortgage adviser will find the right mortgage for you. Saving you money, time and stress as they walk you through the application process.
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